Plus it is only 20 miles from Bakersfield, which is not that much further then the BTC race, especially if you take Highway 65 (Porterville Hwy). There are no lights and very little traffic, so the drive goes by quick. Just Take 65 and turn left on Sherwood ave. (west) for less then a mile.
If you do three races, you get an Adidas tech t-shirt and awards. So there are three races left and you need to show up for this great series.
Now ever other week when this race comes up, I promote it and it is amusing how many people write me back on why they can not make the race. Most use its too far away, doesn't fit in my training schedule, yada yada. I think many do not want to get smoked myself or do not want to run the challenging hilly course.
But just try one, the Bakers came to the third one and really enjoyed it. Sure the course is hard and the competition is fast but so what. Come out and try something different. Come out and run on the courses that have been the proving grounds for nine state titles. Come out and run with future state champions. Plus they have really good grapes and plums after the race!
i was seriously considering running this one, but had some missionary interviews last night... hope i can get out for the next one